Job opportunities
Please email your resume at if you are interested working at SEWA Rural. Currently, following are the job openings and more details about following jobs can be found by contacting SEWA Rural.
1. Anesthetist
2. Pediatrician
3. Gynecologist
4) At Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra
- Technical Coordinator : Vice Principal
Eligibility: Diploma/ Degree Mechanical Engineer
Experience: Total 12 to 15 years (3 to 5 years of academic work experience necessary) - Job Placement Officer : Diploma Engineer/ MSW, 5 years of experience of industry placement
- Hostel Superintendent: For 250 Students Hostel : Graduate, 5 years experience of hostel supritendent or 10 years
experience working with students - Accountant: Experienced B.Com/M.Com
- Instructor : Printing Trade/ Fitter Trade/ Turner Trade/ Machinist Trade
Eligibility: Diploma with 3 to 5 years of experience and 8 to 10 years experience in ITI

5. Canteen Contractor
Get in touch
Bharuch, Gujarat, India.
091-2645- 220021