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- Gayatri Desai, Kapilkumar Dave, Sumeet Devare & Shrey Desai (07 Feb 2024): Ethical and Clinical Considerations in the Use of Hydroxyurea in Pregnant Women with Sickle Cell Disease, Hemoglobin, DOI: 10.1080/03630269.2024.2310283
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- Kapilkumar Dave, Palanivel Chinnakali, Pruthu Thekkur, Shrey Desai, Chandrakant Vora and Gayatri Desai.Attrition from Care and Clinical Outcomes in a Cohort of Sickle Cell Disease Patients in a Tribal Area of Western India. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2019, 4,125
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- Shobha Shah, Aakash Shinde, Ankit Anand, Dhiren Modi, Gayatri Desai, Hardik Bhatt, Ravi Gopalan,Nishith Dholakia, Prakash Vaghela, Shrey Desai, Pankaj Shah. The role of an mHealth intervention in improving knowledge and skills of accredited social health activists in tribal areas of Gujarat, India: a nested study within an implementation research trial. 107(Suppl. 471), pp.72–79107(Suppl. 471), pp.72–79
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- Dhiren Modi, Shrey Desai, Kapilkumar Dave, Shobha Shah, Gayatri Desai, Nishith Dholakia, Ravi Gopalan and Pankaj Shah. Cluster randomized trial of a mHealth intervention “ImTeCHO” to improve delivery of proven maternal, neonatal, and child care interventions through community-based Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) by enhancing their motivation and strengthening supervision in tribal areas of Gujarat, India: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials(2017)18:270
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- Our first publication regarding sickle cell disease
- Shobha P Shah, Pankaj Shah, Shrey Desai, Dhiren Modi, Gaytri Desai, and Honey Arora. Effectiveness and Feasibility of Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation to Adolescent Girls and Boys through Peer Educators at Community Level in the Tribal Area of Gujarat. Indian J Community Med. 2016 Apr-Jun; 41(2): 158–161.
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